Where to Start in the Circle

Where does the throw start?

The discus circle is 2.5m in diameter. Here the thrower must utilise as much of the space as possible.

One of the common difficulties coaches have in coaching young athletes or new starters is that they often coach with an elite athletes technical movement in mind. Whilst it is great to have an deep understanding of high performing throwing technqiue, it is also favourable to know when to use what methods. When do we introduce certain technical cues in the learning curve and what are we trying to achieve?

Like any complex skill, there is a process. First we must identify what stage of learning the technique that our athletes are at and cater accordingly to their needs.

(insert video here about entering the circle)

Fundamentals vs Individual style

No matter what technical models you use as a coach, there are some fundamental rules that we cannot circumvent. These fundamentals are common throughout the majority of differing throwing techniques worldwide.

Examples of this may include:

  • The position of the left foot during the flight phase of the throw.
  • The position of the right hand in the middle of the circle.
  • The posture of the thrower during the power position.

A throwers individual style is that which is unique to the throwers own preferences or physiological charachteristics. A throwers entry into the circle, the way they hold their hand during wind up, where they position their eyes during the flight phase and many more. These individual styles should be encouraged provided they do not impact negatively upon the fundamentals of the technique.

The Great Jürgen Schult
Luis Delis – Cuba

(insert video of where to start in the circle)